Sunday, December 21, 2008


According to the results of a recent survey of British youngsters for National Kid’s Day, XFactor judge Simon Cowell is now more famous with British kids than the Queen or God! Her Majesty was No. 1 on the list last year. However Simon Cowell managed to knock the Queen off the top spot this year, taking the coveted No. 1 place with God coming second. It was interesting to note that if kids ruled the world, one of the top things they would ban is being overweight, closely followed by divorce and bullying. They rated these on a list of the worst things in the world. Top of the list of the best things in the world was good looks, closely followed by fame and riches. Just goes to show what an increasingly shallow society we have come to live in. Interesting!


Anonymous said...

An interesting commentary. I wonder where happiness ranked on the "best" list?

Naomi said...

Happiness didn't get a mention apparently Melissa. Unfortunately society has become very shallow in recent years and this seems to have been passed onto our children too.