Sunday, May 24, 2009


Most people have phobias and as many of my readers know, mine is spiders. If there is a spider in any room of the house, I have to get it removed (not by me!) before I will even attempt to go in there. I can’t touch them, pick them up or even be in the same place as a spider! I was shocked to hear that a dangerous spider related to the deadly Black Widow spider is currently weaving it’s web and crawling its way across Britain. Gardeners beware! Scientists are blaming global warming for the current influx. The False Widow is a purple and black creature about the size of a one pence piece. Apparently unlike the Black Widow, it’s not deadly but its bite can cause severe pain and swelling. One lady in Egremont, Cumbria suffered an allergic reaction after being bitten by one of the nasty little creatures whilst she was in bed and had to be rushed to hospital. It seems the creatures can also hide themselves in bunches of grapes and bananas (both fruits I enjoy!) and arrive here that way. Scary! As you can imagine, I’m keeping a sharp lookout!


Fran Hill said...

Aaarrrghh! I was in the garden in bare feet today. Glad I didn't read this beforehand ....

Naomi said...

Yes it's quite scary Fran!