Thursday, July 24, 2008


As many of my readers know, I love chocolate and am in serious danger of becoming a chocoholic! The world’s most expensive box of chocolates went on sale in exclusive London department store Harrods this week. With a £5,000 price tag, these are no ordinary boxes of chocolates but handcrafted works of art wrapped in handmade silk and leather, with each one lovingly crafted and individually personalised for the customer. The chocolates are made of organic cocoa and each one is decorated with gold and a Swarowski crystal flower or silk rose. Very posh! In fact so much work has gone into the delicate and stunning presentation of these exclusive chocolates, it seems a shame to spoil it all by breaking into the box and eating them! A Harrods spokesman said that many of their customers had asked for something special like this with the, “Wow!” factor. These exclusive chocolates made by Lebanese chocolatier Patchi certainly have that!


Anonymous said...

We Americans have a phrase for a situation like that:

Wretched excess.

Marshamlow said...

I wonder if it tastes good? or if anyone will be willing to actually eat them.

We once went to a chocolate buffet on a cruise it was fun. They had chocolate sculptures and fountains and every type of chocolate food imaginable. The problem is that you can only eat so much chocolate in one sitting before it become sickening. It was fun to see.

Naomi said...

It certainly is Jay. In these recession hit times I don't know how anybody can justify spending that amount of money on a box of chocolates.

They should definitely taste good costing so much money Marsha. That chocolate buffet sounded like fun. They hire out chocolate fountains at parties here in England. They are very popular but chocolate is like everything else - you can have too much of a good thing!