Gordon Brown has come under fierce criticism after plans were announced to remove the figure of Britannia from the tails side of British 50p coins. New 50p coins will still show the Queen on one side but are set to feature a new design which doesn’t include Britannia on the reverse. The new design is yet to be revealed. The image of Britannia, a young woman in a neo-classical gown, wearing a helmet, with a trident in one hand and Union Jack shield in the other has been a symbol of Britishness for centuries. The image originates from Roman times, when the Romans named their newly conquered land, just across the sea from Gaul, Britannia. The image of Britannia was actually featured on coins at that time and has continued to feature on some British coins to this day. Britannia became a popular figure in the early 1700’s when England, Scotland and Wales were united to form Great Britain.
The news that Britannia will no longer feature on any new British coins for the first time in over 300 years has come as a body blow to many Britons who see it as a traditional symbol of our British heritage. A national Sunday newspaper has launched a campaign to save the image of Britannia and many MP’s are urging Gordon Brown to reverse his decision to remove Britannia from British coins, condemning his campaign to promote British values as a sham. The fate of Britannia has united many Britons of all ages, from all walks of life in a common cause to stop the loss of such a special symbol of British patriotism. Over 30,000 readers have already joined the newspaper campaign, including some MP’s. To join the fight to save Britannia, click on the link shown below:-
Save Britannia
I hope they don't take Britannia off...she's known here in Canada as well.
Don't fix it if it isn't broke...
It's a shame that a select few can change generations of tradition on a whim.
I agree Marion. Britannia is such a traditional symbol of British heritage.
Yes it is a shame Janey. The British people deserve to have their say and vote on this issue. Britannia means a lot to us all.
Bummer. Here in the US, we've got everything you can imagine on the back of our quarters to replace the good ol' eagle. Some of it is interesting and educational. This is done to satisfy the collectible market, however. I remember when stamps and coins were about national pride and were not their own sidelines. I hope Britannia prevails.
Let us know if the campaign is successful
So do I Sandy. It's all about national pride and patriotism here too.
I certainly will Sheila.
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