Sunday, February 10, 2008


Our 21st century lifestyles have a lot to answer for. Lack of exercise, bad diet and a reliance on processed ready meals, together with drinking excess alcohol has been blamed for the younger generation suffering from much worse health than their grandparents. The results of a Florida Grapefruit Zest for Life study of 2,000 Brits showed that those in the 18-34 age bracket are more likely to suffer flu, migraines and headaches than those people over the age of 55. Apparently almost a quarter of people in the younger age range regularly experience migraines and headaches compared to 14% in the over 55's group. Also younger people were three times more likely to suffer from flu than their older counterparts. Interesting.


Sank said...

I think its fascinating Heath Ledger for example, 20 something and on how many prescription drugs? Sad state of affairs.

Jackie said...

Sadly all the additives, hormones and antibiotics in our food is having a very bad effect on youngsters.

Many youngsters are now also diabetic or lactose and gluten intolerant, going by how many pop into the health shop where I work part-time, looking for biscuits and snacks with no sugar, wheat or dairy.

Sheila said...

I wonder if more young suffer from flu because they mix and mingle more than their elders and maybe the elders have had flu shots. My college son is suffering from flu right now and has a tough week of tests and assignments. Good post.

virtual nexus said...

My mother in law runs rings round me - at 81!!

Naomi said...

Yes it was very sad about Heath Ledger Sank and such a terrible waste of a young life. Too many young people seem to be addicted to prescription drugs nowadays.

I agree Jackie too many additives in food is having a very bad effect, particularly on the younger generation. Jackie you are working in the right industry, you are such a great fountain of knowledge on so many natural foods and rememdies. I'm sure you're a great asset to that shop.

Naomi said...

Maybe Sheila. I think there are so many different strains of flu you can catch nowadays too that aren't always covered by the flu jabs.

I know the feeling! My Mum is the same and she's 77 this year Julie. Nice to see you again.

SandyCarlson said...

It seems to me, as a 41-year-old woman, that our expectations for ourselves and the people around us all but eat us alive. I think our parents and grandparents were less interested in conquering the world than in living well, and living well meant eating right and being good. I feel like an old lady saying this, but I suspect that a fast and shallow lifestyle has been glamorized to the point of blinding us of other options--what our grandparents did.

Marion said...

I think those in the younger age bracket are exposed to their children, who catch a lot of different bugs in the school environment.

I catch everything my grandchildren are exposed to. They may only be sick for a few days, but middle-aged me could be sick for longer.

And if they don't have children, then the stress these days most likely bogs down immune systems, in that age bracket.

I certainly remember being sicker with more viruses, when I was that age and had my kids at home.

Naomi said...

I agree Sandy. People's lifestyles and goals have changed so much over the years. Looking after themselves and eating well is often at the bottom of the list of priorities nowadays.

That's certainly true Marion. There are so many bugs in the environment now. Also many people are eating a bad diet and are stressed and tired in their working lives and this in turn weakens their immune systems and makes them more susceptible to catching viruses.

Jackie said...

Nominated you in the
if you want to put up the badge you can pick up the code there.

Naomi said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Jackie. That's very kind of you. I do appreciate that. I'll go over and get the code.