X Factor and American Idol judge Simon Cowell caused controversy this week when he branded music legend Bob Dylan “boring”. He went on to say that if he had 10 Dylans in the final of American Idol, he wouldn’t get 30 million viewers. However it seems Mr Dylan’s fans think differently. Unlike today’s "one hit wonders" and “here today gone tomorrow” wannabees, Bob Dylan has stood the test of time and is as popular now as he’s always been. The record sales speak for themselves.
perhaps he heard "modern times", this album is boring but no-one's saying it because it's so hip to dig dylan at this time. Take last commercial offering and listen to it immediately after listening to "blonde on blonde" or "bringing it all back"... you'll see what i mean.
A Dylan fan
Amen Sister,
SC... well let's say depth isn't among his outstanding qualities.
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