Sunday, March 04, 2007


Is this the best reason yet to avoid exercise? According to Bristol University scientists, fitness fanatics pose a serious threat to global warming. Apparently researchers discovered that strenuous exercise leads to increased carbon dioxide being produced and expelled during breathing. One of many suggested causes of global warming being suggested at the moment it seems!

On a more serious note, according to findings from researchers at Southern California University, women who exercise regularly for several years may protect themselves from breast cancer. The study found that women who exercised for more than five hours a week doing strenuous exercise reduced their risk of early stage cancer and invasive disease. Good news for women everywhere.


Rising Rainbow said...

As much as I'm not prone to engage in forced excercise, global warming has nothing to do with it.

Sheila said...

Naomi, the exercise connection is real with breast cancer. It must be strenuous, not a stroll in the park. My doctor is urging me to keep at it and to do at least 2 miles a day. I have slacked off since Christmas and must heed his warning. Studies have shown there is a certain level or time and that going in excess really doesn't help your chances of avoiding this crappy disease. Women should also avoid wine, sugar and non-organic meat in my opinion.

Naomi said...

I personally take the global warming theory as a pinch of salt. Not sure if I believe that one. However I do agree that there is a connection between cancer, particularly breast cancer, and diet and exercise. Thanks for stopping by Rising Rainbow and Sheila.