Sunday, March 04, 2007


Following on from my earlier post about the worrying increase in pet obesity in Britain, a new slimming pill for overweight dogs was launched this week. Yarvitan, a prescription only drug which will be used alongside diet and exercise, stops fat from being digested and can give an average weight loss of eight percent. A better solution might be to issue pet owners with an instruction booklet of how to look after them.


Unknown said...

We have found that if we don't feed our dogs "people" food, they tend to stay in shape. And their breath is fresher!

Naomi said...

I think that's the main reason why so many dogs are overweight now. The owners eat junk and feed it to their pets as well. That's why dog food was invented, so that pets can have their own food that keeps them in shape. Thanks for stopping by Janey.

Rising Rainbow said...

OK, give me a break here! What is this something to make the owners feel less guilty because they've obviously overfed and under excercised their pooches! Oh my...

Sheila said...

Our dog was overweight because she got leftovers. It was a bad idea and we encouraged her begging by doing it. Next dog--just dog food. She didn't junk though. She loved carrots and apples.

Kilroy_60 said...

8-) Popped in to say hi, hope you're in the midst of a great week! I should be posting on the next carnival later tonight; I think it will work well for you.

Kilroy was here!