Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have been following the story of brave young cancer mum, Hayley Newbery who touched the nation’s heart after fighting for treatment with the wonder drug Avastin. Previously the drug (which has shown remarkable results in shrinking tumours), was unavailable on the National Health Service. Hayley was given just two months to live, after the large tumours on her liver and bowel were deemed inoperable. This young woman was desperate to give herself the best chance of life possible to be with her children. Unfortunately it was not to be. Despite Avastin shrinking the tumours sufficiently to allow their removal, Hayley died peacefully, after complications from the surgery. Hayley had everything to live for. What a terrible loss of such a young life. Our hearts go out to her family.

To make a donation to Cancer Research UK, please go to the link shown below. It may save someone’s life. Thank you.

1 comment:

madasafish said...

I'm desperate to talk to people who know people with cancer or who are carers - my mum has colon and liver cancer and I just want to talk to someone. I'm new to this site and am not sure what I'm doing but shall keep a look out to see if you or any other person replies :o)